Ozone Therapy Youtube Channel

Autohemotherapy involves the drawing of blood from a patient and then re-administering the blood via vein or muscle depending on whether it is Minor or Major. Ozone Autohemotherapy (Minor or Major) is a powerful treatment that has both healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also increase energy, circulation, relieve pain from certain injuries, and boost the immune system, which is beneficial for a patient's overall well-being.

The traditional method of administering systemic (whole-body) ozone is to take a small amount from the patient's blood (about 60-60mL), and then place it in a bag or bottle containing an anticoagulate (heparin, ACD-A). After mixing the ozone/oxygen mixture with the blood, re-infusion was performed. Major autohemotherapy is a treatment that is used to treat various conditions. It is done daily for 20 sessions. Major autohemotherapy, which is hyperbaric oxygen/oxygen treatment has been modified to deliver more oxygen in one location and eliminate multiple visits/treatments.

Frank Matalone DO is our Ozone expert. He was trained in Nevada by Frank Shallenburger and has been personally trained in Ozone Therapy and Oxidation Therapy.

Hi Dose Ozone/UBI - Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation involves exposing blood from a patient to ultraviolet light to kill harmful bugs and boost the immune system's response. UBI can be combined with Hi Dose Ozone to create a safer vaccination-like response. This directs your immune system towards fighting specific bacteria and viruses. The amount of UV light used is determined by each patient and can be combined with Major Autohemotherapy.